2019 - Q2 Track Record

Historic Track Record Report Card:

A record of all of the completed positions I have taken in the TA and Enhanced portfolios.

One year performance at month end for each month in the Second Quarter (Q2):

April: VONE (13.2%), JNK (7.0%), AGG(5.4%), VTWO (4.5%) 

May: AGG(6.7%), JNK (5.2%), VONE (3.3%), VTWO (-9.2%) 

June: VONE (9.9%), JNK (8.4%), AGG(7.7%), VTWO (-3.6%) 

TA: Position taken one year ago:
April: VONE    Rank: 1st
May: VONE     Rank: 3rd
June: VONE     Rank: 1st

Number of Bets:  4 7  3 
% of Bets: 29% 50% 21% 0%

Enhanced: Position taken one year ago:
April: KXI (2.3%)     Rank: - Negative
May:  VONE (3.3%) Rank: = Neutral
June:  IEMG (0.7%) Rank: - Negative

History   +  =  -
Number of Bets:   3  3  8
% of Bets: 21% 21% 58%


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