How to Navigate this Blog

For those finding the information on this blog confusing I wanted to create a navigation page:

There are a few sections you should be aware of:

1. Labels are attached to certain blogs to allow you to filter through for just the types of blogs you want to see (click on one of the white buttons to filter for that label).  The two labels I use are: Allocations and Insights.  Allocations gives only blogs that discuss the allocations or performance of the three portfolios.  Insights are blogs on general financial questions. The arrow to the right hides or shows the label buttons.

2. Pages allow me to put some information out there that is static.  The Home page is where the blogs are. The Portfolio's page discusses how the portfolios are constructed and the Mission Statement discusses why I created the blog and tells a little about me. How to navigate this Blog brings you here.

3. Archive makes it easy to find older blogs. If you click on the three lines it opens up a sidebar that has the archive links as well as some other information. 


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