Catch Up - Sept Trades, Oct Allocation and Trades 2020

 I apologize for not posting for awhile.  Below is some information in brief form to catch up:

Market Overview: These markets are very strange.  It seems that recently the only thing one needs to monitor is how much stimulus the Government is providing.  If it is increasing then you want to be in equities, if it is decreasing you want to be in bonds. I do not believe this is healthy nor sustainable and it causes deep concern for me.

Update on performance:  The enhanced portfolio continues to do well in recent months.

Sept 1st Trades:
Equal Weight Portfolio:
  • No Trades in this portfolio
TA Portfolio:
  • Cash balance prior to trade $347.29
  • Sold  103 shares of AGG at $118.24 with $0.22 SEC Fee. Total proceeds $12,178.50
  • Bought 99 shares of VTWO at $126.26 with $0 commission. Total cost $12,499.74
  • Ending cash balance of $26.05
Enhanced TA Portfolio:
  • Cash balance prior to trade $466.62
  • Sold 87 shares of AGG at $118.24 with $0.21 SEC Fee. Total proceeds $10,286.67
  • Bought 1,049 shares of GGZ at $10.25 with $0 commission. Total cost $10,752.25
  • Ending cash balance of $1.04

Oct 1st Allocation:

The Equal portfolio: 
  • I am going to buy as much JNK as possible with cash in the account $766.38
The TA portfolio:
  • Sell 78 shares of VONE
  • Buy as much VTWO as possible with proceeds and cash 
The Enhanced portfolio:
  • Sell 57 shares of VONE
  • Buy as much VTWO as possible with proceeds and cash

Oct 8th Trades:

Equal Weight Portfolio:
  • Bought 7 shares of JNK at $105.25 with $0 commission. Total cost $736.75
  • Ending cash balance of $29.63
TA Portfolio:
  • Cash balance prior to trade $462.56
  • Sold  78 shares of VONE at $159.26 with $0.23 SEC Fee. Total proceeds $12,422.05
  • Bought 98 shares of VTWO at $130.58 with $0 commission. Total cost $12,796.84
  • Ending cash balance of $87.77
Enhanced TA Portfolio:
  • Cash balance prior to trade $745.69
  • Sold 57 shares of VONE at $159.26 with $0.21 SEC Fee. Total proceeds $9,077.61
  • Bought 75 shares of VTWO at $130.58 with $0 commission. Total cost $9,793.50
  • Ending cash balance of $29.80
The Portfolios after the trades on 10/08/2020:


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