November 30, 2018 Track Record

QUESTION: What is the track record of realized investments?

One year performance as of November 30th (in order): VONE (5.8%), VTWO (0.6%), JNK (-0.6%),  AGG(-1.4%).

TA: Position taken one year ago: VONE
Rank: 1st

Number of Bets: 2 5 
% of Bets: 29% 71% 0% 0%

Enhanced: Position taken one year ago: DSEEX (5.9%)
History   +  =  -
Number of Bets:   2  1  4
% of Bets: 29% 14% 57%

ANSWER: The one year look back in November is perfect. The TA fund picked the best asset class over the last year and the Enhanced fund picked an even better active alternative. 


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