Crypto Currency - Just A Worthless Commodity
Prediction: At some point Crypto Currencies will all become worthless. I know that this is a strong statement that will irritate many but a review of the facts about the underlying basis for its value can lead to no other conclusion. Crypto Currency Dynamics: The brilliance of cryptocurrency is in its structure which gets rid of the need for intermediaries in its monetary system. No Governments or banks needed. This is brilliant. The cost of intermediaries on a system is high, I won't go into that but if you look it up there is plenty written about it. Demand for crypto is strong and growing. People are learning about this new interesting monetary tool and seeing some get rich and it is very enticing. People are justifiably curious and more and more people are dipping their toes into the space. The Crypto Currency Myth: Supply of crypto is limited. This is the crypto lie that everyone seems to be swallowing. The whole valuation argument for crypto is that it...