Should I Invest?

Investing can be compared to a relationship. It is not a casual, short term relationship but a serious long term commitment. It needs to be well thought out and one needs to have conviction and staying power in order to make it work. Right now stocks have been on a very long, positive run. This is when most people get interested in investing and this is often the worst time to get started investing. My portfolio is not saying to take risk off yet, but the next change will be to take risk off, it is also not adding risk. Of the four asset classes I have chosen to allocate between, Large Cap Equity is the second safest or most conservative asset class. Only Investment Grade Bonds are more conservative. Investing is difficult because of time and how the recent past affects our current mood. A real world example to help you understand the difficulty: On 11/16/2015 you look at stock A (graph below). It has been going up and looks and feels like a good purchase. ...