The basics of becoming an investor
My lawn is a mess. You might wonder what that has to do with investing, the answer is nothing, but this weekend I went online to find out how to improve my lawn and found "the Lawn Care Nut" on U-Tube. As I watched his podcasts I realized how something he knew so much about could be very confusing to a beginner. So I am revisiting the basics today. The Three Keys: I am going to focus on the three most basic things needed to begin investing. They are Material, Time, & Patience. Material: Every craftsperson has material they work with or a medium. The material for investing is cash. Without cash you cannot invest. I define investing as: using your cash to earn more cash. You can think of each dollar as a little worker that works for you 24/7. Without material (or workers) you cannot build anything. So the first thing you need to do to become an investor is put some cash aside. This is easiest through a retirement plan, especial...