Sept 2017 Performance

PERFORMANCE: In September the Equal weighted portfolio returned 1.9% and is the baseline for the other portfolios. The TA portfolio (which actively allocates among the four asset classes that are in the equal weighted portfolio) outperformed the equal weighted portfolio returning 2.7%. The Enhanced portfolio (which uses the allocation of the TA portfolio and seeks to enhance those returns with security selection) did the worst, returning 0.8%. The relevant security returns (used in the above three portfolio's) for the month of September (excluding dividends) were: For Equal and TA portfolios : VTWO 6.0%, VONE 1.6%, JNK 0.2%, AGG -0.8% For Enhanced portfolio : IEMG 0.0%, DSEUX 1.7%, KXI -0.9%, JXI -2.6% Co lor significance for whole post: Red is small cap equity...